Evaluate the Message - Not the Messenger
How will we endure the days that are coming upon the world? Has the Holy Spirit truly been the Teacher through all of these 2000 years of the church age? The Spirit has moved upon individuals throughout history and we know many who heard the word of the Lord. In almost all cases the message was first rejected by the believers, and then the messenger was rejected. It is really interesting to me to mention the name of someone who brought forth a word of restoration and to hear people instantly tell me how that person was off the mark. They never say they have ever received any insight or revelation from that old saint’s life or ministry. I realise that Satan always discredits anyone who hears as quickly as possible, and he uses believers to do his dirty work.
We need to review anew some of the writings of many men such as Watchman Nee, T Austin Sparks, J Nelson Darby, George Fox, and even Martin Luther. Many men had a glimpse of the true church and the Kingdom, but only a remnant ever grasped the depth of their messages.
Most doctrines and teachings today appeal to the soul life and the believers flock to that fallen position and love it. There does not seem to be very much rejection of that type of message and messenger. They are the stars of today.
Satan has really almost destroyed many believers by helping them find ways of accusing and rejecting the saints. T Austin Sparks said it better than most, "We have only a hint at something about a fellow believer, another Christian, and it becomes something which works and grows. The enemy just looks for the slightest thing like that, to build it up, and before long that which was only a hint or suggestion about them has involved their whole life in a black cloud, and they become suspect and wholly unclean, and you begin to avoid them."
Does anyone avoid you? Plenty avoid me. The question which must be asked is, "Who has the enemy directed me to avoid?"
In the future the Lord will be speaking to and directing the paths of many called-out saints. The enemy wants to keep us away from them and their revelation. We are going to have to look beyond the messenger and hear with our ears and see with our spiritual eyes. The enemy is the one who sowed the tares in the field (Matt.13:39) and he is still sowing.
I am still learning lessons today that I should have learned 20 years ago. When something is said about a believer, we need to divide it by about 10, and we will probably be closer to the truth. Most of us just reject the person without any real knowledge of the facts or the truth. This is not a good position to be in as the time of the end approaches and the messengers of the Lord begin to speak to the church and the world. The enemy has already set us up to have closed ears.
"He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches." (Rev.3:22).
Jim D. September 2003
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