
The Temple Mount

Is the focal point and essence of the end time events really all about the Temple Mount and its real estate?  Is this Old Testament place and house of prayer a fixed forever place to seek and restore?  Does Jesus have a hidden mystery for the Church to find the lost Ark of the Covenant?  Is the Lord looking for us to build him a house out of brick and stone again?  Will the Kingdom of God fit into and onto the Temple Mount?  Is Jesus trying to re-establish any or all of the Jewish rites and practices for the Church?  Has He led us to be Judaized?  Have we been led down a path of deception again?  Who in the end will draw us to places and things?  Who will want to focus the Church on old wine skins, old covenants?  The enemy cannot take the place of the Lord in this dispensation because he was defeated already, so he will try to resurrect his place in the previous dispensation as his place of position in the place that is! empty of God's presence - do we see that?  "When you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel thy prophet, standing where it ought not, then let them that be in Judea flee to the mountains."  Do we understand Jesus' words in Mark 13:14-26?  Will there be so much traffic in the media and Christian T.V. about those events around the Temple Mount that only excitement will be generated instead of life?  The enemy surely is interested in the Mount; however, what could he gain except real estate and souls gained by deception?  Much of this end times deception will be centered on the enemy of the Mount.
However, for the true Church, we must still seek the understanding of "Jesus Christ in you the Hope of Glory."  Do we understand that Jesus is in us and we are the temple?  Let the enemy occupy that Mount and he probably will.  Let the Church, which is His Body, be occupied with His life and His Spirit.  He that hath an ear, let him hear.
Jim Dermanoski
October 2005


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