Apology for the Reformation
Part No. 1
For most of my life, I have heard about the reformation. No one ever really
explained anything about it, only that Martin Luther was involved and that he
talked about being saved by grace instead of being saved by the Catholic Church
and that was to total value of the reformation. I think most Christians have a
similar view of the subject. I was raised in the Catholic Church, and the
subject of the reformation surely was never mentioned there, and they surely
were not affected in doctrine by any reformation. We assume that all the other
non-papists were greatly affected and began to repent of and change doctrine and
direction throughout history.
From the 1500’s onward, the Spirit of God directed men just as he did with
Luther to continue the reforming of the Church on earth. Almost all of these
movements had been given a piece of the truth and the fire of God began to burn
quickly, and also extinguished just as fast. The early pioneers of reformation,
such as J. N. Darby, Martin Luther, George Fox, Robert Barclay, William Penn, T.
A. Sparks, Watchman Nee, and many others - including movements such as the
Plymouth Brethren, the Welch Revival, the Latter Rain Movement, the early
Quakers, Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship, Azuza Street Revival, and others
also had a piece of the restoration. However, in almost all cases, they fizzled
out in time. The general problem came in by God first giving a vision to men and
them beginning to run with it. Success came quickly, and with that came fame.
Everyone wants to come to a burning fire - even today. Many of these men were
told to stay out of the divisive divisions in denominationalism and to be led by
the Spirit outside of the camp. They told it and preached it, but satan working
through the clergy became a cancer again to destroy what the Spirit had started.
We could write books on this subject, of which I have seen and witnessed myself.
There is a future move of the Spirit coming and this same method of the enemy is
going to come through the world harlot church systems to try to destroy it in
its infancy just like in the days of Moses as a babe.
May we discuss a few items which have been part of the reforming and still are
parts which in general must be completed. These are not new concepts, and some
have gone onto this roadway that the Spirit has led them on. However, the 95% of
the Christians are still in bondage and need to be freed.
1. First we must eliminate the clergy-laity separation. This clergy idea is an
Old Testament Jewish doctrine and has no place in the Church age. We are a
kingdom of priests unto God. There is no concept for Bible colleges to ordain
men and women for the priesthood except in the cults. The reformation was
supposed to deal with this major cancer, but not much has changed. They still
seek titles as Pastor, Reverend, His Holiness, Pope, Senior Pastor, Youth
Pastor, etc. and they wear the robes to identify themselves as separate and
superior. George Fox, Watchman Nee, T. A. Sparks, J. N. Darby, and many others
have addressed this problem. However, do you see any change? They have missed
the words of Jesus in Matthew Chapter 20, “The greatest in His Kingdom will be
the servants.” They have missed the warning by Paul in Corinthians not to
sub-divide the Church into sects. Do you think the Christians listened? This is
part of the reforming which remains to be fixed.
2. The house of worship must transfer from the wood and stone structures to the
living Spirit filled house which is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is the
body which is you if you have received Christ. There is nothing worse today than
to hear some pastor stand up at the beginning of a meeting and say “welcome to
the house of God”. Really, he is an enemy of the Cross of Christ and doesn’t
even know it. He is in the Old Testament, in the Temple in Jerusalem, and has
gone into a previous dispensation. What a terrible anti-reforming concept it is.
One needs to stand up and rebuke these blind guides. We must come to see that
there are no holy places, holy items, holy crosses, holy pictures, or holy
people except those in whom Christ indwells. Be ye holy as Christ is holy. Do we
see that the holiness we have is only Christ within and that on our own we have
nothing at all. He is the Holy One, and we receive Him as holy and as our
holiness. He is holy - He does not have a bucket full of holiness that he pours
out on you and I when we read the Bible, go to church, pay our tithes, pray, or
anything else. Holiness comes from the receiving of Christ within as our
holiness. The reformers had much to say about these items mentioned, however
little has changed. We stand against this anti-Christ concept of clergy-laity
separation and holy places outside of the temple of God, which you are if you
have received Him.
3. All titles of men, all religious systems with names and tax exempt accounts
must be closed down and eliminated. The properties generally need to be sold and
the money given to the needy as the Spirit directs. Now I understand that this
concept will shake up many, but it won’t bother Jesus, nor the Apostles. True
reformers will understand these problems and come back to the original
Spirit-led church. If people would quit giving Old Testament tithes and
offerings to these un-reformed systems of men, they would close their doors,
close their bank accounts, sell assets, and much of the problems of the true
Church would cease. I am surely happy that Jesus and His followers didn’t
require payment for services so they could buy the goods of the world. What do
we do with the fund we have? What does a reformer do? He that is led by the
Spirit of God is a son of God. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked. Are you taking
care of family members as the Scripture required? The anti-reformers have
convinced you that they can do a better job of distribution because they see the
need and will take care of it. Most systems use less than 3% of the money on
helps ministry. Try to get some of that helps money, and you will see a closed
door. The real help goes to the clergy. Reform the problem, learn to pray and
seek direction on where to give unto the need of the world’s people. Repent of
ever writing another check for your tax exemption into some system. Get involved
in what God’s direction for giving is all about - which is you doing the work of
the ministry.
4. All Bible colleges and books on Christian subjects must be eliminated or
closely examined. Most of the material at Christian book stores is anti-church,
anti-Body of Christ, and they will sell anything that is popular and brings in
cash. Let’s just stay with the Scriptures. Yes, there are many good books that
have been written, but when I go to the book store, they do not stock them, and
some have not even heard of the authors. But if you want to get books on left
behind, the laughing church, or numerous psychology based subjects, you can find
all you want. Christians would not go buy a book of Mormon or other cultish
books, but love to buy ear-tickling books which are just as far off. Want to be
a reformer? Go throw away all the garbage out of your library at home and begin
to read church history.
5. The concept of pastoral covering with men and women lording it over God’s
flock must be repented of and eliminated. This concept should have been reformed
500 years ago, however, it seems to be worse now than ever. The continual damage
done by covering teaching is truly from the pit. They teach covering as a
principle of God. I believe it is bondage and a controlling spirit of the enemy.
If they can control you, they can control your time, money, ministry, and your
life. One needs deliverance from this grip of satan and to see that he whom the
Son sets free is free indeed. Do you need freedom? Be reformed into what Jesus
has placed before you, be led of His Spirit.
6. The promotion of arts, plays, theater, dancing, and all of these forms of
entertainment must be stopped by the Church. The early reformers taught a lot on
these subjects because they have no place in the Church, only in the world.
Satan is mixed into the middle of the whole movement of these arts. Want to be
reformed? Repent and begin to understand the mystery of the Gospel which is not
in external dance and art, but in “Jesus Christ in you, the hope of glory”. The
promotion of church discipline must quickly be added to bring correction which
has been omitted for 1700 years. It’s not time to laugh and dance, but to pray
and seek after Him and become a witness.
7. An now the most difficult item to deal with and will upset most. Sometimes I
think that I will not cover this subject because it always causes people
problems and they get mad at me. However, not all revelation was given to any
one person as far as I can see with the only possible exception being the
Apostle Paul. The subject matter is the role of women in the Church. It has
always been a problem. The early Catholics promoted Mary to a special position
and now there is a move to make her a fourth person of the Trinity. Error starts
in a minute way and grows into heresy. But first let us examine some of the
positions on women that are written even by a true reformer like Robert Barclay
in 1676. I really like most of his book entitled “Robert Barclay Apology for the
True Christian Divinity”. He says on this subject: “I judge it fit to speak
something in short concerning the preaching of women, and to declare what we
hold in that matter. Seeing “male and female are one in Christ Jesus,” and that
he gives his Spirit no less to one than to the other, when God moveth by his
Spirit in a woman we judge it no ways unlawful for her to preach in the
assemblies of God’s people. Neither think we that of Paul (1 Corin. 14:34), to
reprove the inconsiderate and talkative women among the Corinthians, who
troubled the church of Christ with their unprofitable questions, or that (1 Tim.
2:11), that “women ought to learn in all silence, not usurping authority over
the man,” any ways repugnant to this doctrine; because it’s clear that women
have prophesied and preached in the Church, else had that saying of Joel been
badly applied by Peter (Acts 2:17). And, seeing Paul himself, in the same
epistle to the Corinthians, giveth rules how women should behave themselves in
their public preaching and praying, it would be a manifest contradiction if that
place were other ways taken in a larger sense; and the same Paul speaks of a
woman that laboured with him in the work of the gospel; and it is written that
Philip had four daughters that prophesied; and lastly, it hath been observed
that God hath effectually in this day converted many souls by the ministry of
women, and by them also frequently comforted the souls of his children; which
manifest experience puts the thing beyond all controversy:” (See pages 276 and
277). This sounds like a good argument for women pastors, prophets and teachers
in a role of leadership. However, Mr. Barclay has been influenced by the Jezebel
Spirit of his age. As far as I can see, the Apostle Paul, apostle to the church
age, appointed by Jesus Himself, and teacher of church order saw things much
differently. Barclay has errored in his understanding of the schemes of satan
from the beginning, that which Paul understood and stated. The enemy wants to
reverse God’s order. Why has this scheme been so hidden from the Church? At
first satan wanted to be like God and equal to God and convinced 1/3 of the
angels to rebel against God’s order and authority. See Jude 6: “And the angels
which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, He hath
reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgement of the great
day.” Then satan came into Eve’s presence and convinced her to teach her husband
Adam and she was deceived. She reversed God’s order and became Adam’s teacher
and sin came into this world. Next, Jesus was tempted by satan to worship him
and come under his authority to reverse God’s order. All that is left today is
the Church to deceive and God still has an order. “But I would have you know,
that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man, and
the head of Christ is God” (1 Corin. 11:3). God has an order but satan wants to
change that order. Satan deceived the angels, Eve, and tried to deceive Christ
without success, and now he deceives the Church.
What does the Scripture teach. Paul said “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor
to usurp authority over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was not deceived,
but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.” (1 Tim. 1:12 & 14). “Let
your women keep silent in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to
speak: but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And
if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home, for it is a
shame for women to speak in the Church. What? Came the Word of God out from you?
Or came it unto you only? If any man think himself to be a prophet, or
spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the
commandments of the Lord.” (1 Corin. 14: 34-37).
Well Paul, I acknowledge along with you that these things are God’s
commandments. Now as to Barclay’s view, I agree with the Scripture that male and
female are one in Christ Jesus , which has nothing to do with Church order. It
certainly does not make Christ head over the man-woman does it? Barclay said
when the Spirit moves in a woman that he judges that it is not unlawful for her
to preach in the assemblies of God’s people. Well, it’s unlawful for God, Jesus,
Paul and myself -- how about you? And his point about talkative women in
Corinthians who trouble the Church of Christ with their unprofitable questions
or that of 1 Tim. 2:11 was in any way repugnant to this doctrine because it’s
clear that women have prophesied and preached in the Church. Well, they had
better not have done it in Paul’s presence or they would have been silenced.
Paul spoke the word and command of the Lord. He was not confused or this
subject, but many are.
Barclay was an early Quaker and had many correct concepts of reform. However, I
am convinced that part of the current destruction of the modern Quaker movement
which started with George Fox and others, is a direct result of this false
doctrine. I have seen current materials distributed by the Quakers and it is
filled with the gay agenda. This Jezebel spirit has truly helped destroy the
important piece of restoration given to George Fox to where that his ministry
has little effect today.
We see the effects of women pastors, Women’s Aglow and many other movements
which are out of control.
We will stand with Paul and our women against this Jezebel spirit in the world
and church today. “Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because
thou suffferest that woman Jezebel, which callest herself a prophetess, to teach
and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed
unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication, and she repented
not.” (Rev. 2:20-21).
Jim Dermanoski
August 2007
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