Well it is only a few days until the mid-term elections in America. It is one of the ugliest battles that I have ever heard. The Christian community has jumped into the mess with both feet and are up to their necks in the bashing on all fronts. I see all the articles about voting being our civic and moral duty as Christians and somehow we have been tricked into believing that we can say and proclaim anything we want about the candidates because it is our duty. We have surely entered into judgment with those who are “outside the Church” which only God will judge (1 Cor.5:12-13).The Lord Jesus and his apostles never got involved in the local politics and never instructed them to do so but were told not to get involved in the affairs of the world. The Lord raises up and uses those in office for his own purpose. We still as a Church do not understand this basic principal of the gospel message. The horrible man hours, money and effort by the Church to change the direction of the world through the vote is no substitute for “go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15) and this is what we have failed to do. Somehow we believe that we will control the evil ones by passing worldly laws and regulations and force them to obey. Is this the Lord’s method?? Jesus is not in a panic over who will win the vote but He is concerned about the direction of the Church which is His Body. When we meet someone new and they find out we are a Christian the first thing they want to know is what division of steeple houses we belong to but there is only One Body and One Lord and One Loaf. We say we are just part of the local Church of Olympia that meet in homes as did the early Church. They really do not like that answer. Many want to know how and who we will vote for. When I say “I’m not a registered voter”, they are shocked and give an unhappy glare. Have we still never learned that we are citizens of the Kingdom of God and that our citizenship is in Heaven??? When we were born into that Kingdom we left this kingdom of this world behind and we sat down with Christ in His Kingdom. We here in America are electing candidates into all offices which reflect the values of this nation. Look at the landscape from shore to shore. Abortion (killing our own children) the law of the land, crime, adultery, murder, rape, divorce, fornication, thievery, witchcraft, and hundreds of other sins of the nation. Is there any wonder why the elected leaders of this nation have the values that they have?? I have noticed that the local steeple houses (where Christians go on Sundays) are having Halloween parties again this year. It is also amazing that they are passing out candy next Sunday night at their homes and dressing their children up in masks of death. They light up their orange demon houses with candles and place them on the porches. These same people will head out to the polling booths next week to elect the leaders for the coming years. Wake up Church!! If we want to reclaim America and the world it will not come from a voting booth but from prayer, repentance, and the life centered on the Cross. We must repent of 1700 years of sitting in the buildings for entertainment and teaching while the world deteriorated. There is new hope on the landscape all over the world but only a small portion of the Church is in the move of the Spirit in it. Do you want some direction? We need reformation. The best book that I have found by groups of people who are moving as the Lord had commanded is a group that meets in house churches all over the world. They have written a book called “House Church” and you can order it on I have never met any of these people but I’m passing out their material around Olympia to anyone who wants it. They have done the best to talk about divine order and the role of women in Church meetings that I have ever seen and I agree with (Chapter 18). We must as a Church finally come to the place after 1700 years of darkness that we begin to function as His Body. This is the only hope for America and the world until the Lord Jesus returns.
Jim Dermanoski
October 24, 2010
Jim recommends this sermon by Leonard Ravenhill at this youtube site:
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